Accessibility guide for hotels in Australia

We are really delighted to introduce to you Have Wheelchair Will Travel from Australia. A wonderful organisation established by a parent of a disabled child. Do check out the link to their excellent guide to booking an accessible hotel! We love it and hope you do too.
Julie explains the reasons behind setting up the website and face book pages.
“Have Wheelchair Will Travel came about after our family had a fantastic holiday to the US. I researched details to make sure the trip went smoothly and when it did I wanted to share the details to help others travelling with a family member with a disability. It seemed a waste for that information to go no further than our family. The website now combines skills I have gained in different areas of my life including as a travel consultant, mother to BJ who has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair and all the therapy skills I have gained. My aim is to share any piece of information which I feel may help another person in a similar situation.”

We will be keeping up to date with the work that Have Wheelchair Will Travel is doing and we do hope that it will help lots of families all over the world plan their next holiday.
Thanks to Julie and we wish her lots of luck with her work.